A Female patient aged 32 years pre gnant was suffering with Alopecia areata in the scalp. During 3rd month of her pregnancy, she noticed a big patch without hair on the scalp. She also had varicose veins and also complained of ring worm eruptions every spring. She was told by allopathic doctors that steroidal injections were to be given her but she was hesitant to take injections as she was pregnant. Finally she decided to take Homeopathy. When she came to the clinic her history was taken. Many more things were found out. She started taking homeopathy.She was prescribed Sepea and Azarihdicta.After 15 days of medicine she reported back again,some visible soft hairs started coming (though not much).
She further continued with the medicines with some local applications as Prescribed.After one month of treatment of Homeopathic medicines more hairs were noticed with normal texture (which were growing normally).